Figuring out the best floor for your home.
Before I reveal photos of the final selections, I want to take the time to explain my decision process for the flooring selections. When deciding what floor to choose for my current project, I thought of the potential buyer. It could be a new family with a baby on the way, a bachelor looking for an entertainment space, or empty nesters hoping for a low maintenance routine. With all of this in mind, I chose to keep it clean and simple.
I decided on a large platform tile, bright and cream colored with a high gloss. This still speaks to trend with it’s size, but warms up my color pallet a bit. The high gloss white in the bathroom will make the smaller space appear larger. The large platform tile, 24x48, runs throughout all main areas of the flip. A 12x24 high gloss porcelain is installed on the dry floors of both bathrooms (outside the shower) and a 2x2 hexagon installed on the wet floor (inside the shower).
Flooring is a key element of your home. It is a large part of the visible design, and also important for function and practicality. When choosing the most appropriate floor for your space, I encourage you to think about the following factors:
When it comes to the little ones… from toddlers to teens, I always think about markers and slipping. If you’re a mom of a toddler, I’m sure you’ve had an experience with your baby Picasso, finding a work of art drawn on some part of your home. Selecting a floor that is smooth and washable is important. For teens… think about trying to catch the bus for school after staying up until 1am playing video games, turning those corners quickly can cause a fall and a floor that grips can prevent a slip and fall.
If you own a four-legged friend you’re definitely going to run into shedding and an occasional stench. To prevent that, avoid using carpet in those areas of the home. A wood or a tile that can be easily swept and mopped is the way to go. According to Protech Carpet care Carpet May Hold up to 200,000 Bacteria Per Square Inch. NO THANK YOU.
Moisture tracking from pool/ rain tracking/ environmental or regional moisture in general
Here in South Florida we know moisture! Whether it’s a summer pool day, a heavy rain storm, or just our typical humidity it always seems like water surrounds us. Keeping this in mind during your selections is so important. Making sure you have an anti-slip surface that repels water is key.
High Traffic Pathways
I remember in the house I grew up in we had carpet at our garage to house entry pathway. No matter how many times they were cleaned, you could always see a darker section along the main walkway. The carpet was also passed over so many times that the pile was packed down to the ground, losing that ‘fluffy’ appearance. We eventually put a clear plastic covering to protect the space (similar to the kind you put under your desk chair). Why go through the hassle?! If you know there are high traffic areas where feet will fall, choosing a somewhat darker easy to clean material is best!
A note about trend:
It’s easy to get caught up in and become drawn to what’s trendy in flooring. Do yourself a favor and really take the time to think about what would be best for your lifestyle and the space you keep. Currently, it appears the industry is seeing an influx of light grain wood finishes and bright white porcelain tiles due to the 'farmhouse style' being so prevalent. This is a great option if you don’t have children and cleanliness is one of your strengths. However, if your lifestyle is more of the kids, pets, and always on the go’s probably not the best floor for your home.
I have a great feeling about the new floors in the home! Let’s face it… you saw the ‘before’ photos… In some spaces old carpet filled with stains, linoleum in the bedrooms, and in other areas it was just plain old cement.
Need a reminder, take a peak below:
I am so happy those floors are OUT!
Lastly, we all know there is an additional element of turning a profit in this game, which, I understand isn’t part of everyone’s decision. Don’t forget though! With every upgrade or change you make in your home design you are directly affecting its overall worth. So be calculated when making your choice. If you’re in the showroom, don’t feel afraid to take a copy of your budget with you and take out your red pen for mark ups on the spot. Factoring costs at the showroom saves a lot of headache later on!
Now….let’s get to the good stuff. Take a look at the new floors. Ahhhh it’s like Christmas in February!